Our SAFA binder has been created to make the pilot's SAFA Ramp Inspection as painless as possible, and to provide the Inspector with an organized, and fully cooperative collection of documents and answers to each of their inspection items.
The book is organized with 4 sections, each addressing the Inspection Item Categories (A, B, C and D/E) and a 5th section dedicated to Aircraft/Company Documentation. We provide a hard copy in a binder to have onboard the aircraft for easy access for the Inspector, as well as a digital copy, sent via email for you to upload into your EFBs.
Where appropriate, aircraft specific photos and excerpts from the AFM/AOM are inserted into the corresponding Items for clarity and support.
Additional Manuals such as International Operations Manual (IOM), Safety Management System Manual (SMS) and aircraft Specific Minimum Equipment List (MEL) are available. Please contact us for a current price list and additional information.